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Meet the

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Meet the

Meet the CEO | Premier Public Adjusting

Curtis Eaton is a North Carolinian transplant, having mostly grown up in the southeast, he does consider himself to be a real southerner. He has been involved with insurance for over 6 plus years actively helping owners find solutions with their claims from insurance companies. He also manages his real estate investment firm. When he's not working, he loves to go hunting and fishing with his friends and family.

Premier Public Adjusting LLC: We are professional licensed and bonded public insurance adjusters employed exclusively by you, the policyholder, to represent you after sustaining an insured loss. We assist policyholders in all aspects of processing the claim, working closely with the insured to provide the most equitable and timely settlement possible.


We will provide you with a comprehensive service; inspecting the loss site, analyzing the damages, compiling claim support data, reviewing applicable coverages, assessing the replacement cost of damages and negotiating your settlement.


Our adjusters will evaluate your claim for no upfront cost whatsoever. Our fee is based on a contingency contract and we are paid when your insurance company sends you the check and it is in your possession.

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