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  • Premier Public Adjusting

5 Reasons to Hire a Public Adjuster for a Roof Damage Claim

You may be wondering if your insurance policy covers roof damage. You are not alone. Many homeowners do not know what their insurance policy covers and what it does not. Many insurance policies are written in confusing language that is hard to understand unless you are already an insurance expert. In other cases, the language may not be clear enough to tell if the damage to your roof is covered at all.

There are so many differences between roofing styles, roof materials, roof additions, chimneys, skylights, and overall causes of roof damage that each case is different. These multitudes of variables only compound upon the challenges of knowing exactly what your insurance may or may not cover.

So then what happens when an insurance agent comes to your home to make an inspection?

After damages have occurred, an insurance company agent will look at the situation and make a judgment. The potential problem from the judgment made by an insurance representative is at least twofold: 1) They may not be looking out for your best interests, but rather the company and 2) there is a good possibility they are not a roofing expert. The result is your roof damage claim may be denied, or you only get a small portion of what you deserve. You need a reputable insurance adjuster to help you get what you deserve from your insurance company.

When to use a Public Adjuster

Here are five strong reasons why a public adjuster is a good idea for a roof damage claim:

1. Reduce the risk of having your claim denied. When damage to a roof is not immediately visible from the ground, it is typical for insurance companies to deny claims. Your refused claim might be settled in full if a roofing adjuster expert did not thoroughly inspect your roof. A public adjuster always makes thorough inspections to maximize reimbursement and decrease the possibility of a claim denial.

2. A hailstorm hit your roof. Damage from hail storms is not always easy to see right away. Even weeks after the storm, your roof could start to leak. If a hailstorm hits your area, you can get help from a public adjuster.

3. The roof of your house was already in bad shape. You might not get money for a new roof, but you might be able to file a claim for water damage. Talk with a public adjuster about your situation.

4. You do not know what to do about your damaged roof. Damage to your roof can sometimes cause other problems inside your home. In these situations, it is usually up to the homeowner to prevent water damage by taking steps like putting a tarp over the roof. Your roofing public adjuster can help you figure out what steps you need to take to make sure your claim is protected.

5. You simply are unsure as to whether you have enough damage done in order to make a claim. When it comes to roofs, it is notoriously hard to tell if there's a claim to be made or not. If you are not sure, call your trusted roof adjuster. They can tell you what to do if you think you have a claim for roof damage.

Remember that your roof is part of your property and you have made insurance payments to protect it. Do not allow an insurance agent to cost you a credible roof damage claim. Instead, consult with your roofing public adjuster.

Contact us today to learn how we may assist you!

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