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  • Premier Public Adjusting

How a Public Adjuster Can Help you After a Hurricane

Natural disasters have the power to completely change our lives, which for homeowners means devastating property losses. These costs can occasionally reach thousands or even millions of dollars. If you or someone you know has experienced damage due to a hurricane, you appreciate the significance of homeowners, windstorm, and flood insurance. But once the damage has been done, there is a lot of work. The first step is to file an insurance claim.

When a hurricane causes a lot of damage, filing an insurance claim can feel like a full-time job. You have to keep track of every loss, submit seemingly countless paperwork, all the while fighting to get a fair settlement. Moreover, depending on the hurricane related damage, your homeowner’s insurance policy may or may not cover it. During many hurricanes, several elements of nature can cause damage to a home. Your home may flood due to a sewage backup, while strong winds may wreck your roof. Any mistake or lack of information can mean the settlement will be much lower. This can happen because the insurance company’s adjuster is incentivized to minimize compensation as much as possible. This is why a public adjuster, an expert at maximizing your claim compensation, is the preferred route to take.

Do I Need a Public Adjuster for a Hurricane Claim?

When submitting a claim for hurricane damage, it is important to remember that you may be dealing with windstorm and flood damages, which are typically covered by various insurance policies and handled by different adjusters. Without a clear understanding of these circumstances and what to look for in your homeowners insurance coverage, you, the business and/or homeowner, may be at a disadvantage and not obtain what you genuinely require to repair your property.

Typically, the aftermath of a catastrophe necessitates filing strong claims through multiple insurance plans, making recovery an exceedingly tricky process. If your home or business were significantly damaged, you would file homeowners, business, windstorm, and, if appropriate, flood insurance claims. Filing an insurance claim is complex and requires substantial expertise to ensure accuracy.

Homeowners and business owners can receive assistance from public adjusters when filing all these complex insurance claims. Public adjusters can aid in streamlining the claim process since you, like most people, may lack the time and energy to deal with insurance company requirements. Public adjusters can manage the laborious process so you can focus on repairing other aspects of your life.

What Could I Expect from a Public Adjuster?

After hiring a public adjuster, it is important to understand that they work for you. Unlike an insurance adjuster whose main job is to minimize the claim compensation, a public adjuster is the exact opposite. If you win, then they win. The following are the various steps that the public adjuster presides over:

  • Individually examining your claim

  • Evaluating Damage to Your Property

  • Documentation

  • Presenting and Mediation

  • Maximizing your settlement

  • Timeline

At Premier Public Adjusting, we work on behalf of the policyholder to reduce frustration, expedite your restoration, and earn you a fair settlement. Contact us today to understand your needs and determine if we are the right fit to represent you!

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